Monday, June 15, 2009


You have your game down, now it's time to start looking good while on the course.

MODELS: Amber Ross and Alicia Webb


Unknown said...

Dear MIC designer, while women golfers are a norm in today’s society, the guiding force in women’s golf clothing industries is significant. The growing popularity of this sport with women has helped to expand demand apparel sold especially for woman golfers. I think your line is wonderful and I have forwarded an email to your corporate office regarding my golf club in Chicago, IL. Hoping, your sales force will contact the buyer and I too will be sporting MIC’S golf clothing!

Unknown said...

LOVE THE LINE! Looking forward to receiving the samples.


Unknown said...

I'm very interested! I live in Los Angeles at the moment, but moving to Chicago in 2 weeks. We are members of ----- Golf course, and all their clothes look so daughty! I would love it if ----- sold some of MiC products in their pro shop :)


Unknown said...

MIC, I agree.... most women are especially conscious of the clothes that they wear and golf clothes are no exception. Playing golf, you are in public and many will take notice of what you are wearing. Even if you are just playing for fun, the majority of women will want to look their best. In addition to looking well put together, the issue of comfort comes into play. It is time for women to rethink their golf clothes wardrobe and obtain appropriate clothing.

MIC has incredibly cute ladies golf clothing!
Gina :)

Unknown said...

Oh I play golf, and its finally nice to see some sexy attire!! Let me know if your ever looking for a model. I would love to sport your designs!

Megan Marie Hodge

CLecaroz said...

hi, i'm interested to know, would you be ready to supply outside the US. am interested to partner with you in distributing it exclusively, am from the philippines, am a lady golfer (non-pro) and I love your idea of coming out with a sexy line for women in this sport. it's about time!

Unknown said...


Please let me know when your
on-line store is available

Can’t Wait! Sisi

Pink Golf Tees said...

Love your collection! Check out more fashion golf apparel at the Pink Golf Tees women's golf store.

Unknown said...

You do great work!!!
If you're interested in a petite model, just contact me I love your golf idea! So fun and classic.

Jamei June

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

where is this clothing available to purchase?