Monday, March 31, 2014


-Thanks to my MIC SPORTSWEAR wardrobe, I am now a golf enthusiast!!! I love this clothing companies unique design style and fabric selection. Big fan, Missy

-Dear MiC, I am lost for words, when it comes to expressing how amazing the Princess Skirt/ classic shirt with piping fits and looks! I feel very Glamorous! Handing out your business cards like crazy . SB

-(I almost want to say OMG but it is so childish) I tried on my dress last night and it is a perfect fit! This is just so stylish and too nice to wear on the golf course! Your designer is THE BEST! EM
-I LOVE my Cap and Visor!!! Receive tons of compliments, especially when wearing MiCsport out-fits. Golf On! Anne

-Oh my God! The Visor was incredible. I always thought it looked glamorous on the website, but on my head, it really put me in a class of hat wearers not seen for decades. Not even Coco Chanel could not have designed such a fabulous chapeaux!!! The polo shirt fit perfect and the Safari dress, let me tell you girl, I looked like a James Bond girl showin' up for a golf rendezvous with M6. I don't want to sound vain or conceited, but I did look pretty, pre....tee....cute. So I'm thrilled once again. All my regards, Chrissie

-I have been on vacation and I wanted to let you know how beautiful I felt and looked (all the compliments) wearing the Honeycomb skirt and shell collection! Thank you for all your personal customer service and special care to details. Susanne B

-Dear MIC, I absolutely loved, LOVED the Empire dress which came yesterday, and it fits perfectly, to a tee. LOOKS GREAT! Thank you for helping me select the right size, and being so patient answering my phone calls and emails. You are a wonderful creative online store, and I'll be a very loyal customer in the future.
Sincerely, Christine A



Anonymous said...

Congrats MiC! I love to read how successfully your brand is building. Rachel C

Anonymous said...

I am always impressed by your designs; quality products and you practice superb customer service! Can’t wait to see/buy 2014 dress collection!!!

Helen Key, Long Island, NY